Friday, June 23, 2006

An official retraction, but one with none of the sadness of being proved wrong

Peep the new sidebar if there is any confusion about how Lamar feels about the above man. Whether or not his influence on the NBA is disastrous as Simmons suggests one thing is certain. This New NBA thing still has some kinks to work out.

The NBA draft is the perfect vessel to re-energize the movement that swept us up in its revolutionary fervor prior to the handjob PE #1 received from the referees. There are no standouts in this crop. Rather, there are none apparent on first analysis; Chris Paul was an unexpected Franchise out of last year's draft.

The 2006 Draft is not one that carries a savior on the wings of its arrival. Instead, it will serve to cement the emerging image of a league not dominated by two star teams filled with players designed not to mess up, but controlled by teams with a mix of players ultimately adapted to that coach's system.
In every draft, there are diamonds. In some front offices, someone to find them(s).

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