On the eve of the NBA season, we witness the passing of a legend. As tragic as his demise is, I have no frame of reference other than that provided by the occasionally good Sports Guy.
The man's death is tragic; no-one has meant more (sports-related) to a city probably ever. The only one who comes close is Larry Bird. Notice how all of these are in Boston.
Is that because Boston is so depressing that only sports give it meaning?
Or is it that Bill Simmons is the only column I read that deals with this shit?
We report, you decide.
* * *
City-wide days of mourning aside, a truly joyous time is about to happen on earth. Kicking off in Miami and LA, the season starts with two tantalizing matchups. Both match Conference Finalists against their first round opponents and both involve seriously talented 2-guards.
That's where the similarities end. Miami should be (in Lamar's estimation) the most hated champion in recent memory, whereas Phoenix will be (hopefully) the most loved in the near future. The Lakers and Bulls are both former products of that 90s-Early 00s star-centric system that placed a premium on acquiring one or two players with limitless talent and surrounding them with semi-crappy but cheap players.
If anything, the Suns take the Jordan Mandate to an extreme unrelated to it and yet ultimately so. Their #1 superstar is a formerly floppy-haired Canuck obsessed with the possibility that he can be defined not by supernatural gifts of his own, but rather that he gathers his worth from making the mundane abilities of his teammates somehow transcendent of the basketball norm.
The Suns revolve around Nash, but at the same time control him. He is Frankenstein, he creates the monster, but ultimately the monster makes its master the slave.
Because the Suns revolve so much around a singular star, one might say that they fit the Jordan Mandate perfectly, but that ignores the essential reality of Sunsiness.
Sunsiness means that they are more than the sum of their parts. They assemble a whole that functions together as a whole, but to which one part is so integral that without it the entirety of the system would collapse.
Nash is not only the defining factor of the Suns factory, but he is also the one most victimized by its existence as a seamless entity. Nash is defined by the Suns system--run and shoot, shoot and run--and struggles not to overcome it. He is nothing more than a worker in the Suns farm, and yet he owns the farm himself.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Posted by
2:42 PM
Labels: Bulls, Heat, Lakers, Larry Bird, Michael Jordan, Red Auerbach, Steve Nash, Suns
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
SLAM 102
This is turning rather rapidly into a Gilbert Arenas fanblog of sorts, and guaranteed that it will be shifted away from him rapdily once the seazon starts (6 days?!), but damn if this tat on the cover of SLAM 102 isn't holding shit down in a major way:
You can head on over to FreeDarko to pick up your copy of the new FD shirt. "Es La Pata Del Diablo" means literally "He is the leg of the Devil," but it translates more as one who likes to play pranks. So, there's that.
Posted by
4:45 PM
Labels: FreeDarko, Gilbert Arenas
Monday, October 23, 2006
Two seasons too late, but...
The Dungeon Family literally is the Phoenix Suns.
Posted by
5:44 PM
Labels: Suns
Saturday, October 21, 2006
What's Gilbert Wearing?
Peep the new Wizards unis (just press play.)
Fairly fab, including the fashion expert and Phil Chenier pulling some vaguely uncomfortable banter with the anchor.
Also interesting is Chenier's commentary on the new ball.
Posted by
10:21 PM
Labels: Gilbert Arenas
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
The First in a Series of Season Preview Chats Between the Two Creators
BOBDUCK: ay: let's make t-shirts
PMAC: shawn marions face
PMAC: thats it
PMAC: somehow that represents it
BOBDUCK: lamar fucking odom nukk
BOBDUCK: shawn is good
BOBDUCK: lamar is basically a deity though
PMAC: too bad amare flies
PMAC: literally
PMAC: dude got wings
BOBDUCK: lamar do
PMAC: should call him hermes
BOBDUCK: i know
BOBDUCK: that dude kind of more like achilles
PMAC: tro
BOBDUCK: dino thug is my 2nd favorite of 2003
BOBDUCK: darko being #1
PMAC: haha
PMAC: melo? bron bron?
PMAC: your boy
BOBDUCK: wade is far from my homey
PMAC: i know
BOBDUCK: melo and bron bron are my homeys
BOBDUCK: but darko is my homey
PMAC: hes kinda fake tho
BOBDUCK: homey is literally g
PMAC: to be honest i aint that amped
BOBDUCK: he's legit diaw-steez
BOBDUCK: in terms of breakouts
BOBDUCK: he might be rough in the 1st half
BOBDUCK: but in the 2nd half
BOBDUCK: him and horseboy bout to bangstick like nem-but
PMAC: too bad diaw is legit
BOBDUCK: bout to be best frontcourt since wallace/wallace
BOBDUCK: darko is legit
BOBDUCK: but for different reasons
PMAC: i guess
BOBDUCK: that nukka diaw tight
BOBDUCK: he slasher and passer and shit
PMAC: yea
PMAC: he has a weird playing style tho
PMAC: na mean
BOBDUCK: darko is more top of the key j bones
BOBDUCK: tro, tro
BOBDUCK: diaw a guard in a 6'8" big man's body
BOBDUCK: he like tony parker if t parks was huge
PMAC: yea
BOBDUCK: they have a lot of the same skillset
BOBDUCK: but for some reason diaw can't play guard
BOBDUCK: maybe he's too slow?
BOBDUCK: you think the suns are going all the way?
PMAC: yup
PMAC: diaws just a tad too tall
BOBDUCK: he's only 6'8"
PMAC: and the suns dont need that form ho
BOBDUCK: the suns seem to create their own convention
PMAC: yea
BOBDUCK: but at this point it's fairly mundane
BOBDUCK: i think amare is gonna have an up and down year
BOBDUCK: if he's back by the playoffs though...
PMAC: i hope its all up
PMAC: he still has bounce
BOBDUCK: back like all the way
PMAC: ive been watching the preseason
PMAC: he averaged like 46 vs the mavs two years ago
PMAC: like no exageration
PMAC: over 6 games
BOBDUCK: achilles can fly
PMAC: capita D
PMAC: yep
BOBDUCK: but its that knee
PMAC: im not too worried
BOBDUCK: and he probably is a little out of place still
BOBDUCK: been away for a year
BOBDUCK: from the offense+defense i mean
PMAC: maybe
PMAC: but the suns will get to the playoffs wether hes there or not
PMAC: so he has 82 games to get back
BOBDUCK: oh, no doubt
PMAC: its not like their season rests on him
PMAC: which is nice
PMAC: like for kobe, no adjustment period allowed
PMAC: but i will say that jordan farmar is lookin pretty baller so far
BOBDUCK: that's what i hear
BOBDUCK: not too much optimism he'll take that shit from smush though
BOBDUCK: which is fairly tragic
PMAC: whatever
BOBDUCK: for all smush's magical bounciness, he is low-key bad
PMAC: at least when smush gets his usual 8 bangs + 89 turnovers, farmar will be a sold backup
PMAC: and turaif + bynum looking good too
BOBDUCK: if smush could get a j he would be better
PMAC: lakers squad actually looking low key nice
PMAC: i wont even lie
PMAC: smush actually cashes tres tho
BOBDUCK: laker squad looking aight only because of pjax
BOBDUCK: they're probably like 47 wins
BOBDUCK: maybe 50 if someone else steps the fuck up
PMAC: i actually say fiddy
PMAC: plus they got radmon
BOBDUCK: bynum needs to be good right quick
PMAC: another big thug
PMAC: wit a j
BOBDUCK: he's basically brian cook version 1.1
PMAC: turiaf still his usual too-amped-for saftey self
PMAC: admit brian cook is shit
PMAC: and cant dunk
BOBDUCK: brian cook can shoot some js
BOBDUCK: radman isn't that much better
PMAC: yea, but if he tries to bang hell get hurt
PMAC: radmon is nice
PMAC: he was killing in the playoff
BOBDUCK: i guess
BOBDUCK: he should start over kwame
BOBDUCK: it should be
BOBDUCK: farmar+kobe+lamar+radman+mihm
PMAC: the lakers bench, no matter who starts, may be one of the best in the L
PMAC: no chance farmar starts
BOBDUCK: i would take some issue with that
BOBDUCK: i wish he would though
PMAC: think about it
BOBDUCK: the suns bench is nice
BOBDUCK: i guess the lakers have a good bench
BOBDUCK: but the mavs are better
PMAC: bench = farmar, bynum, kwame,
BOBDUCK: bynum kinda sucks still
PMAC: they dont have that thug tho
PMAC: the mavs
BOBDUCK: that bang just got you amped
PMAC: that guard
BOBDUCK: devin harris?
PMAC: not j how
PMAC: the fake ass hair
BOBDUCK: marquis daniels
PMAC: marquis
PMAC: yea
BOBDUCK: he went to the pacers
PMAC: he was kinda tight
BOBDUCK: he's a favorite of mine
PMAC: yea
PMAC: hes underrated
PMAC: pacers bout to be good
PMAC: to bad they have 97 small forwards
BOBDUCK: brb after dinner
PMAC: ok
BOBDUCK: aight nukka
PMAC: i was looking at the pacers roster
PMAC: out of 18 players they have like 8 small forwards
PMAC: ridic
BOBDUCK: link me
PMAC: PACERS: Pacers Roster
BOBDUCK: they have decent balance
BOBDUCK: i don't think they're all sfs
PMAC: i guess
BOBDUCK: harrington is more of a pf
PMAC: shawne will, stephen j, james white
BOBDUCK: how fearsome is their starting lineup gonna theoretically be
BOBDUCK: j tins
PMAC: yea
PMAC: a great vid game squad
PMAC: fa sho
PMAC: like the knicks
BOBDUCK: stejax
BOBDUCK: harrington
BOBDUCK: jermaine
PMAC: does james white have bounce in 2k7?
BOBDUCK: i ain't know
PMAC: cuz he went thru the legs from the free throw line
PMAC: so he should have 99
PMAC: cuz no one else can do that
BOBDUCK: i ain't checked yet
BOBDUCK: i ain't herd the name until now
PMAC: have u seen that dunk tho?
PMAC: oh
PMAC: ill link u up
PMAC: in this vid he misses the thru the legs from free throw
PMAC: but i seen him make it in another one
BOBDUCK: aight
PMAC: i gotta find it
Posted by
9:01 PM
Labels: Season Preview
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
First, peep Gilberts' oxygen tent and then take a gander at a blog I can only assume is dedicated to him. There is so much to say about the man who has established himself and reigns as among the lig's most enigmatic, so Ima try to lay some of it down.Gilbert has long been a hero to those fine folks over at FreeDarko, and for good reason. He is among the most interesting and complex ever to play the game.
For example: he was arrested this summer for standing beside his teammate as he was being charged with disorderly conduct. The twist: it was in the midst of a crowded Miami street.
Gilbert seems unregulated by the laws that normally permeate the game of basketball. When others zig he zags. Case in point: in the first round last year the Wizrds were inbounding with a chance to send the game to overtime. He took the ball midway between the three point line and half court and shot it.
Normally that is a moment reserved for the NBA player one might classify as slightly retarded. But with Gilly, it was a simple fact that he would take that shot. Whether or not it went in was semi-irrelevant. By even attempting such a ridiculous J, Gilbert proved that he is once again on a plane not higher than any, but seperated from all.
The shot did go in. Of course it did; what else can one expect out of Gilly?
His choice of literature (Harry Potter) reflects the fantastical world he lives in. The world where he can cover his shoes with Scotch tape. The world where it's perfectly acceptable for a man who depends on his ankles for life can wear low-top shoes and have no adverse consequences. It is a world all his own.
Posted by
7:30 PM
Labels: FreeDarko, Gilbert Arenas, Wizards