Tuesday, August 21, 2007

eddie griffin rest in peace

the man who was once caught watching porno whilst driving has now endured a second, much more serious incident involving a car. griffin, 25, was killed last week when his car and a train collided.
griffin was one of the great enigmas of the league. extremely athletic, with a good deal of length (not in a gay way, not that there's anything wrong with that,) and a liquid outside jumper. he never put his great physical gifts, which include a perternatural ability to block shots and rebound like the lanky nubian that he could very well be. he's one of the select few nba players that look just like egyptian princes because of their facial hair. gerald wallace is another person to share this distinction.
however, we will never get to see his potential fulfilled. with the right coach he could have become a pretty special talent. big guys with an outside shot and the ability and commitment to do the dirty work down low do not come around that often. my only wish is that he had found himself in a position to succeed, with a top-flight nba coach and a lot of playing time to call his own.

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